Styling ordered list numbers
Now, with model web design, a numbered list is not just a plain figure. It can be a different font, size, position, colour, background and whatever.
If you want to number items in order, you can use the <ol>
(ordered list) tag. But it is kind of hard to style those list numbers in CSS. There is an easier way to create a number styled list of item using the :before pseudo element along with counter properties.
In this article, I will show you how can we use this method to style for numbered list.
The markup
<ol class="custom-counter">
<li>This is the first item</li>
<li>This is the second item</li>
<li>This is the third item</li>
<li>This is the fourth item</li>
<li>This is the fifth item</li>
<li>This is the sixth item</li>
The first thing we need to define is where the counter should be reset
.custom-counter {
counter-reset: section;
Now, the counter will start from 0. The value of the couter-reset property can be anything you want, it will be used for the counter-increment property later.
Next, we need to add the CSS to auto increment the number of items
.custom-counter li::before {
counter-increment: step-counter;
content: counter(step-counter);
In this code, we are telling the CSS to start incrementing for all li elements inside .custom-couter. The first li element will be numbered 1, the second will be numbered 2 and so on.
We also use content property to show the number with the value counter(step-counter)
And this is the final result
- You can apply numbered counters with any
html tag
you want, it isn’t limited to ordered list - The number don’t have to be decimals, they can be anything that
property can be
circle (○ ○ ○)
square (▪ ▪ ▪)
decimal (1 2 3)
decimal-leading-zero (01, 02, 03)
lower-roman (i ii iii)
upper-roman (I II III)
lower-greek (α β γ)
lower-latin (a b c)
upper-latin (A B C)
armenian (Ա Բ Գ)
georgian (ა ბ გ)
lower-alpha (a b c)
upper-alpha (A B C)